
GaPS presents at the CEPOL European Research & Science Conference

14 Sep 2013
Marleen Easton has been invited to speak at the annual CEPOL European Research & Science Conference on "Policing civil societies in times of economic constraints" at the German Police University in Münster from the 10th till the 13th of september. In a panel on "Innovative Policing" she presented some reflections on managing innovation in public policing.
             The sources for her presentation were threefold:
  1. A study of literature. Easton, M. (to be published in 2013). Managing Innovation in Public Policing. In: Bruinsma, G.; Weisburd, D. (Eds.). Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. New York: Springer.
  2. A roundtable & publication. Easton, M., & Bisschop, L. (2013). Comparative perspectives on the policing-science nexus. In P. Ponsaers & L. Gunther Moor (Eds.), De Deinzer Scheepsalmanak. Verslag van de conferentie ‘Tides and currents in police theories’ op 12 en 13 december 2012 in Deinze (pp. 70-87). Den Haag/Gent: Centrum voor Politiestudies/Stichting Maatschappij en Veiligheid.
  3. Empirical research (analysis in progress) on this issue in 6 Belgian local police forces in cooperation with her students in public administration and management. Chiefs of police, middle managers and street-level officers were interviews on the basis of a checklist on the context, content and process of change management in the past 13 years.
Her panel was chaired by Prof. Klaus Neidhardt and two more presentations on 'Innovative Policing' were given. A presentation by Prof. Thomas Feltes of Ruhr Universität Bochum on "Crime and place. Why and how police should look at places instead of people to prevent crime?" and a presentation by Prof. Gloria Laycock of University College Londen on  "Crime, Science and Policing". 

