
European Society of Criminology 2013 - GaPS in Budapest

15 sep 2013

This year the Annual conference of the European Society of Criminology took place in Budapest from the 5th till the 7th of September. Members of GaPS presented their papers and chaired workshops for the Working Group on Policing and the Working Group on European Organisational and Corporate Crime (EUROC).The Working Group on European Organisational and corporate crime (EUROC), chaired by Judith van Erp, Wim Huisman and Gudrun Vande Walle organized 6 sessions and a round table to discuss the advance of the Routledge handbook on white collar and corporate crime in Europe. In one of these sessions, on corruption, Arne Dormaels presented a paper on the influence of professional differential association on perceptions of corruption. Gudrun participated together with Diego Coletto, sociologist at University of Milano, in the workshop on informal economy chaired by Prof. Joanna Shapland. Based on the field research of Lieselot Bisschop on e-waste management in Accra (Ghana) and of Diego on household waste management in Porto Alegre (Brazil) we discussed the complex position of informal workers in the waste sector being a victim of inhuman working conditions, a participant in often illegal activities and having an important social function. Marleen Easton chaired a session of the Working Group on Policing on 'comparative perspectives on the policing science nexus' in which Nick Fyfe, Paul Ponsaers and herself presented a paper on the subject. Nick Fyfe addressed the challenges of knowledge Exchange, Paul Ponsaers reflected on the subject from a Belgian perspective and Marleen discussed the management of innovation in public policing.

